New Booking:
Thu Jun 19, 2025
Stand up Paddle Board Rental
Dhs 90.00 per hour
Stand up Paddle Board Rental .
Dhs 90.00 per hour
Your favorite Stand Up Paddle Rental station in Dubai, located right on the Kite Beach, you can join us everyday from early morning to the Sunset !
So book now and let's go paddle boarding
Stand up paddle Lessons and Tours
Dhs 300.00 per hour
Stand up paddle Lessons and Tours .
Dhs 300.00 per hour
Our lessons and tours are designed for beginners who want to learn how to get on a Stand up paddle, how to keep you balance, how to paddle on a straight line and move forward, and many other skills required for Paddle boarding
Our instructors will be with you at all time during the course of the lesson or the tour
Equipment including...